Saturday, May 03, 2014

2014 Vacation - Day 12

I don't know why I started labeling each day -- but today would be Kentucky / Illinois Day.  Himself and I (well, okay, Himself deemed it : )   decided we had to make time so we hit some Interstate highways and we didn't stop to sight see today.  We did some serious traveling! 

We were in the car ten or eleven hours today.  I can't tell you how many miles but it was probably 5 times the number of miles we traveled yesterday. 

Kentucky Cumberland Parkway
Sunn Hemp, a cover crop, found in western Kentucky. Beautiful!
Kentucky and southern Illinois are just beautiful!  Green was the color of the day, with yellow a close second and Lavender nominated for Miss Congeniality.  The theme of the day was Barns and the aroma of the day was Sweet!  We saw blooming trees and shrubs all thru Kentucky and then we got to Illinois to find Red Buds blooming (again) and the crabapple and fruit trees in bloom.  This late afternoon and evening driving to Springfield, Illinois was an event in fragrance.

Wisteria Trees blooming in Kentucky.  Lovely!
To get from Kentucky to Illinois, one crosses a bridge over the Ohio River. 
The Ohio will eventually empty into the Mississippi River. 

We crossed from Kentucky into Illinois at Paducah.

The Bridges were pretty cool!
I have really been blessed.
I saw Redbuds blooming on the way south at the beginning of our vacation.
 Now I'm watching them bloom again, on the way north. 
It was a good day. 


Erica Jo said...

i was surprised how pretty Kentucky was to drive through!

Nance said...

Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas -- all are beautiful!