Thursday, May 01, 2014

2014 Vacation -- World Mark at Wyndham

Our stay at Daytona Beach was in a 2 bedroom suite.  Living, dining, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths.  It was luxurious and comfortable and decorated in what I call "Florida Modern".

We were on the 14th floor, beach side.  We spent time on the beach, on the boardwalk and a LOT of time on the balcony watching 14 stories down.  We watched sunrise, sunset, rain, thunder and lightening.  We watched the crew clean pools and patios and put everything back to rights. 

And we watched people.  Lots of people. 


I can fully recommend Worldmark @ Wyndham. 


Erica Jo said...

love the condo!!! I want one!!!

Nance said...

oh me too . . . sigh