Friday, May 09, 2014

2014 Saturday May 10 -- F I N A L L Y ! !

I have only grown radishes one other time.  I have tried many times.  Usually, the tops grow and the radishes don't.  And I haven't learned to eat radish greens.  haha 

This year I bought a Farmers Almanac.  I read it too!  and made notes.  Plant radishes in the right sign of the moon.  So I did.

It probably helped that the weather turned off cool.  Radishes don't like heat.  Whatever.  Whichever.  Moon Sign or air temperature, it worked this time.  We are enjoying some fresh organic radishes. 


Erica Jo said...

Wow! Let me know if you ever have extras. . . Dana is on a radish kick right now!

Nance said...

we will let you know. I put in a second planting but they are just now coming up. Also, I'll let Dana know when is the right moon sign to plant radishes : )