Thursday, September 03, 2015

British Columbia, west, Day 11

Today was not quite 'leisurely' but there were no dates or time frames except a late check in time at a little B&B in Grand Forks, British Columbia Canada.  We enjoyed our seven-hour drive. 

We would drive up the mountains, zig zag around curves and over hill and dale, then plunge back down into a valley to find vegetable and fruit market, wineries and vineyads.

An old school bus.

A lake in a valley.

An old farmstead; the house is gone. 

We had a picnic lunch along a mountain stream and stopped at a vegetable stand so I could buy tomatoes and cucumbers.  I could have bought apples, pears, melons, grapes, jellies, honey, celery, herbs -- you name it!  all grown locally.