I went home for lunch today and the temperatures had warmed into the high 60s maybe and there was no wind. Himself had been spading and tilling flower gardens. He had "turned the earth". Turned it over so the dry top soil was on the bottom and the moist, warming black earth was on top and just walking down the sidewalk, I could smell the earth. Yum!
"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."
- Margaret Atwood
Usually when you "turn the garden" you see lots of worms and you are lucky if you do as worms are good for the garden. The worms loosen the soil and make it richer. We were fortunate when we moved here that Mrs. Thompson had enriched the beds and probably 3 generations of landowners before her.
Today, the early blooming plants just popped!
Some burst into bloom; some just popped leaves and stems above the ground. The lawn is green and thick. The trees and shrubs are swelling with leaf buds.
A few more days like today and the bleeding heart that just today broke through the ground would have looked like this picture.
Instead, the weather men (yep, gonna blame it on the men . . . lol) the weather forecasters have predicted much cooler weather and even a chance of snow. Purportedly, the snow will go north. And we can only hope.
Bring on the Rain!
Don't need any more of this . . .
your pictures really make me ready for spring. And did you notice the quick temperature drop yesterday? It was 73 degrees one minute and literally an hour later, it was 51 degrees!
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