I visited two schools recently and just plain enjoyed myself. I learned as much, while visiting my little ones, as they learned! One thing I learned is that "Things" have changed a bunch since I went to school. However, I still think that when I retire from the State, I will get a part time job at the school, or volunteer in some capacity. I believe being around the young children might keep me young. Might keep my mind from sliding into the Alzheimer's black hole. I hope anyway! We'll see.
In the elementary grades, there is so much! so much . . . and more!
There is so much Interest.
There is much Enthusiasm.
The Curiosity is just off the graph!
The children are friendly and open and accepting. Welcoming.
Again, we are talking averages. The "norm". There are some needy little people in those classrooms too and those needy ones make me want to wrap them up, burrito baby style, and take them home. And rockabye them.
But these three! These three are of the first lot! interested, enthusiastic, curious, friendly, indeed. They are accepting and welcoming to Nana! And will be until they turn 8 or 9 or 10, depending on their personalities. So I've got to visit school while I can, while they will have me! Soon, they'll be older and more self-conscious and will, when I ask, "Shall I come eat with you?", reply "NO!!!! I mean "no thank you." Not to name any names! lol
Gabby, Madeline and Joey, thanks for the visit.
Love you all, Morghan, Jack, Gabby, Maddie, Joey (and Audri and Bella)
whether you let me visit school.
Or not.
Signed, your ol' Nana
Looks like you had fun Nanny Long Legs!
Gabby and Joey LOVED it that you came to school. They waited all day for you to come!
I can't believe maddie let you take her picture. . . my kids are always so worried about breaking rules. Where did they get that trait from?!?
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