Sunday, March 21, 2010

Vole Toll Roads

The eight feet of drifted snow in our backyard melted and revealed trails. Toll roads.   This photo shows one main trail and another less traveled but there are 3 or 4 more of these miniture roads.  They start from under a bridge or at 1-1/2" hole and take off around the yard and back again.  When discovered, we guessed these were Vole trails --  and confirmed that in the internet and on WHO Radio Gardening Today program.  The voles felt secure with all that snow "dome" overhead and branched out in regions usually less traveled.

Supposedly, without the snow, the little creatures will keep to protected places -- under shrubs and buildings, along protected pathways.  The gardening advice is now that the snow is gone, the Voles will be less obvious and more uncover and shouldn't be a nuisance.

Himself and I may set a few traps anyway.  We may try to reduce their numbers.  Because this is what they look like. 

They are just a BIG mouse and they've got to go!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Poor little mousies!