Saturday, December 26, 2009

Vacation Day

Nancy's skiing!
Nancy's down!
Nancy's up!
I'm okay!

Took my skiis out for about 45 minutes today. I had fun and practiced back and forth on the east/west street at the end of our alley.

I fell three times. Once, I wallowed around for about 5 minutes, trying to get up. Laughing out loud at myself, I couldn't get my feet under me and I couldn't unlatch a ski to kick it off. I was like a turtle on its back -- or better yet, like a hog on ice! I was up to the street end of the alley and I was afraid someone would call the police to come help me. It was not a pretty sight! Couldn't have been.

But I did have fun and I'll probably try it again tomorrow!


Nance said...

And I did try it again today! Only fell once and down to my knees once. There were stretches of 1 to 2 minutes at a time where I felt like I was skiing!

Kristy said...

We finally started getting snow yesterday and it still hasn't stopped. Yeah! I think we may have 4 inches.

Erica Jo said...

That is hilarious! I can just picture it! You should wear a whistle around your neck in case that happens again so Dad knows when you're down!

Tracia said...

How fun, you have more motivation than I do!