Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Where to start?

I have so much to say and so many pictures and so little time! Guess when the snow blows and winter is here, I'll have more time than things to write about so vacation may have to wait, for now. That doesn't seem right, at all, does it -- but maybe I will remember this time and all the things I have left unsaid and I will relate summer memories.

Himself and I spent a week traveling. It was a good week. It was a hard week too -- we wear out quicker than we used to, darn it. We don't like it and like less to admit it, but it's true. We saw beautiful, quiet, rural America and then places where the traffic was just plain non-stop; obnoxious; nerve wracking and everyone drove 20 miles an hour faster than we did -- faster than the speed limit.

We enjoyed West Virginia and Virginia and Kentucky are beautiful but we about got bogged down in Kentucky -- but that is a story for another day.

We enjoyed some time with Kristy and Tony. We came home and had time with Craig and Traci and three dear little Hofs. Now Erica, Dana and Jack are conferencing and we are having time with the sweeties, Morghan and Madeline and Audri an evening or two a week -- and we've got fun and potential stories!

Memory! don't fail me come winter!


Tracia said...

Oh but the Kentucky story is priceless.

Erica Jo said...

I do know that feeling well! I feel like everything is passing by and that I will never have time or the inclination to blog about it. facebook doesn't help. . . when I add pics there, I don't always feel the need to do it in my blog.