Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nanny, Investigative Reporter

Each workday morning now, I most always ride with Himself to OMC where he parks and I get out and walk back to the courthouse. It is part of my "get fit" plan but on my walks, I am always finding something interesting . . . castoffs in alleys, morning apartment dwellers out for a smoke, cats fed at the local bank . . . there is usually something new to see.

This morning, my sharp sighted eyes picked this out of the morning mist.

"I'll find out what's going on", I said over my shoulder to Himself, as I jogged off to work!

So I cut through alleys and walked cement curbs and as I passed the boom truck, the driver walked by. "What they doin?" I asked, with a nod at the boom.

"Putting a liner in the chimney for the boiler, I think", the driver said.

"Oh. Okay"

And there.

I scooped the Creston News.

I beat KSIB radio to the punch.

And the Afton Star? didn't stand a chance!


Kristy said...

boy, I think you should pitch that to the Advertiser or KSIB. You could call it "Alley Cat" or something like that and come up with off-beat news!

You sound like me . . . I'm always saying "wonder what's going on there?" or "what's that about" or "what are all the sirens for". I am curious!

Erica Jo said...


Tracia said...

way to go nance and you even had ur camera

Nance said...

Yes'mm! I am keeping a tight hold on this camera!

Anonymous said...

Such a great story. I guess the something interesting is the boom trucks.