Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Hi,Jack", Audri's kisses

Jack is a big baby only because he is in (on) the baby swing. And because he is fake crying!

Nana likes kisses from her grandbabies. Even Jack and Joey will give their Nana a kiss once in a while and that is the way it should be. But to kiss a shed? to kiss the garden shed? Don't know and won't ask.

Babies and little children's minds are more complex than I can figure out.

Why does Jack tease his Nana?

Why did Audri kiss the garden shed?

I do not know.


Kristy said...

Oh, I felt that kiss all the way here!

Erica Jo said...

Maddie and I thoroughly enjoyed this video!

Nance said...

Sounds like Jack has a mean ol' naner!