Thursday, March 19, 2009

I interrupt this parade of beauties

for an official announcement: tomorrow is the first annual Spring Break Day. Yeaaaa!

It started off tonight with Gabby and Joe rendevousing with Nana at Stuart. Tomorrow at exactly 0 800 hours, these three tryst with the Frey III. We will commandere the big White Beast to transport all five to an undisclosed location in the Twin Lake area where we will dig in the sand, swing and hike.

There will be a council around the campfire at noon. Hot dogs and sugar free marshmallows for lunch (don't you know marshamallow are "light" when you eat them outdoors? Potato chips and little chocolate cakes. Yes! childhood food!) Hopefully, we will find plenty of sunshine and fresh air and no tears or boo boos and they all will be reassigned to their parents about 1800 DST.

. . . well, that is the plan!


Kristy said...

I do not understand any of that high-fallutin' writing!

Erica Jo said...

sounds like fun!

Tracia said...

Kids had a great time, naturally they are ready to go back next weekend because Spring Break just wasn't long enough.

Nance said...

next year, 2010, we will go for the over nighter! They were all good this year and it is getting easier.

Of course, we have a long weekend at the lake sometime in July or August to look forward to, too, at Too.