Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm crazy for

. . . green onions.

Yes. I know. Weird. But the last several months I have been crazy for green onions. I want to chop them up and put them in everything. I would use them always instead of a regular onion. Remember my sad, sad story last winter when I tried to grow green things in the hotbed and the silly weather in January wanted to act like winter. It snowed. It got cold. It snowed more and the temperatures plummeted below zero so I finally pulled the plug on my little miserable ungrowing green things? Well there were green onions in there.
Now, I have little green onions coming up in the hotbed again, planted 3 weeks ago. Himself has planted green onions and regular onions in his garden. I have been eyeing the winter onions that are almost as a good as a green onion. I am ready to start digging and eating them.

I wish I could remember what my Mama called the winter onions; the "old timers" had another name for them. If I ever remember, I'm telling you all so you can help me remember for next time. Meanwhile, eat a green onion for me!

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