Saturday, February 23, 2008

One Third Done, maybe

Even though my "to do" pile is still sitting there, admonishing me to get busy, I have left it this weekend in favor of cleaning the outside of my kitchen cupboards. It has probably been twice as long as I think it has -- that they have been cleaned and oiled. And I am ashamed to say how long I think it has been.

Johanna helped me scrub them down this week and today, I took the oil and rubbed and buffed and the lower cabinets are done! They look nice. And clean!

Now there are just the uppers to do . . . and the 24 little, high cupboards that make the circle at the top. They will be easier to clean (less grease and food to remove) but there are so many of them!

I have to get this Spring Cleaning done because, as you know, come Spring Missouri will be calling.

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